Author name: Elevated Math

Using Multimedia to Redefine a Word Problem

Traditionally, math problems have been posed on the static page of a textbook with all the data provided.  If students correctly plug the data into a given formula, TA-DA!  The correct answer appears.  But does this type of math instruction encourage a student’s intuition and teach the patience needed when faced with an actual life […]

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Calculators in the Math Classroom: In Memory of a Friend and Obstinate Student

Today I found out I lost a contemporary, a friend.  This friend, who once was a highly successful investment banker with a lucrative business, left an affluent lifestyle to pursue a degree in middle level education.  He wanted to make a difference.  He wanted to make an impact on kids’ lives.   He wanted to teach

Calculators in the Math Classroom: In Memory of a Friend and Obstinate Student Read More »

Teaching Math: It’s All in the Balance

The debate continues between two camps—the traditional vs. the reform—as to how children should be taught math. On one side are those who believe skills should be taught based on algorithms, formulas and step-by-step procedures. On the other side are those who think the more inquiry-based approach that emphasizes developing conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills

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