Learn two years of math/algebra in 35 weeks!
173 award-winning lessons for the classroom or distance math instruction. These online pre-algebra and algebra lessons teach students to love and master mathematics through systematically watching quality videos and working out interactive problems.

– Scope & Sequence will help map out your lesson plans for teaching 5th – 9th grades.
– Find Get Started ideas in the Teacher Notes.
– Have students fill out the Guided Notes during the lesson.
– Use your discretion on how many Practice Problems are needed. Have students work through them on the video.
– After the video ends, use Independent Practice either individually or in groups.
– Make students aware of common errors. Find these in Common Error Alert in the Teacher Notes.
– Use Zoom and have students learn remotely. Share your screen to play a lesson. Assign students to breakout rooms to work on Challenge problems or Additional Practice Problems while you use a video for intervention.
– If all your students have the Internet and a device at home and can access the videos, “flip” your classroom and assign a portion or all a video for homework. Then use class time for discussion and solving problems.
– Need more problems? Find them in Additional Practice Problems.
– Use a lesson for intervention and math and algebra instruction for an individual student.
– Use the lessons to supplement or provide variation to your established math and algebra teaching.
– If you homeschool, see “for Teachers”.
– Make your children watch the videos to keep up and get ahead in their math learning. Encourage them to work out the problems as they go through the lesson.
– Find appropriate lessons for them to watch so the concepts they learn in school are better understood.
– Use the lessons for remedial math and algebra instruction.
– Watch the lessons yourself, and then help your children by correcting their homework and explaining the concepts. This will motivate them more than you imagine.
– Watch the lessons with them.
– Work out a math or algebra problem with them. If you don’t understand a concept, have your child explain it to you.
– This program is designed to help you catch up, get ahead and stay ahead in math and algebra. Math is problem-solving and your ability to solve problems will reap benefits the rest of your life. The world is desperate for good problem-solvers!
– With Elevated Math you learn at your own pace and teach yourself. Begin with M1.1 and move through the lessons as quickly as you can. If you know a subject, skip it, or better, work out some problems to ensure you understand the concepts.
– If you watch a lesson and do the problems each day – (a lesson takes about an hour to complete) – and you do this five days a week, you’ll learn two years of math in 35 weeks or eight months!
– If you are in math or algebra class and don’t understand your teacher’s explanation of a particular math concept, don’t be discouraged. Search for a similar lesson in Elevated Math and watch it.
– Use lessons to prepare for upcoming tests.
– Many take the SAT and ACT tests in their junior year. You’ll increase your score if you work through Elevated Math lessons before taking these tests. Check out the lists at the bottom of this website. The titles link directly to the videos.